This fight is bigger than any of us.

Haymakers for Hope is a cancer-fighting 501(c)3 like no other, powered by ass-kicking do-gooders who are up to the challenge.

Bringing boxing to fighters

Haymakers is offering a specialized (non-contact) version of the four month Haymakers training journey specifically to those who have been directly affected by cancer.

This Program seeks to introduce individuals who have battled cancer to the benefits of boxing including:

  • Improved physical, mental + social health
  • Strengthened quality of life
  • Lowered chance of disease reccurrence
  • Financial stability, knocking down monery barriers to entry

The program has been successfully piloted with a select group of individuals originally recruited through a partnership with Mass General Hospital and is ready for public launch once fully funded.

Next round

Program begins Early 2024 and will run for 16 weeks.

Apply Now