"I must only warn you of one thing. You have become a different person in the course of these years... things will no longer harmonize as before. You will see with other eyes and measure with other measures. It has happened to me too, and it happens to all who are touched by the spirit of this art." - Eugen Herrigel
In May 2017, I lost my cousin and mentor to cancer. I had been boxing casually for the last few years and continually asked myself, "What am I fighting for?" While I was searching for meaning and purpose after losing my mentor, I learned of a charity fight to raise awareness and money for cancer.
It seemed that I finally found my purpose ... In November 2017, I began training for several hours everyday before and after work in advertising, then studying the sport at night. It became my mission to train to fight and fight to win. I dedicated everything to the sport. At the peak of my training, I was working so hard that I got injured and was unable to participate in the fight last year. It was as though everything I was working for was for nothing. But, I kept training. I kept on with the fight inside and when I got the call just a few weeks ago from Haymakers for Hope, I couldn't be more excited.
Two years after I set this as a goal, I will be stepping into the ring in November 2019 to fight for a cause that matters.
Event date
Over 5 years ago
Over 5 years ago
Go get em!! You are an inspiration <3
Over 5 years ago