Cancer has taken a significant toll on our lives, claiming the lives of cherished family members and dear friends. Each loss leaves an indelible mark, a reminder of the battles fought and the lives cut short. In their memory, and in honor of their courage, we have a profound responsibility to act.
By raising money for cancer, we honor the memories of those we've lost. We turn our grief into action, our sorrow into strength. We ensure that their fight was not in vain and that future generations will face a world where cancer is no longer a formidable foe.
I fight for many. Fortunately, not all lost the battle, but far too many have. I take this fight to do my small part, to let them know I miss them, and those still here, how much they impacted me with their courage, grit, and strength. Even the smallest contribution can help. Please support this cause, even if it’s one less cup of Starbucks for the month. I’ll make it count.
Some of those who have inspired me, and whom I think of often, and some who we are blessed to still have with us, but showed what being brave is all about: I fight for them…..
Ellen Briggs
MacKenzie Stuck
Justin Constantine
AJ Orendorff
Greg Smith
Rob Belanger
Lillian Collier Lamb
Vera Gerhart
Alexandra “Sandy” Williams
Carla Vestergaard
Vera Lackey
Regina Vitale
Spencer Gleason
Johnny Rozema
Laura Corddry
Beatrice “Trixie” Tracy
Tom Matte
Angie Lutz
Brian Bedell
Kristin Woodhouse Peyrebrune
Geoff Hall
Jeff Sanderson
Ray Bachman
Avey O’Doherty
Celine Gordon
Tom Smach
Marilyn Penoyer
Bob McGrain
Neal Morchower
Kirk Martenson
Kaliope Parthemos
Eddie Caron
Charlie Parker
Event date
5 months ago
6 months ago
Good Luck!!!!!
6 months ago
Great cause, Pete. Good luck!