In 2019 I got a tattoo for my wife, Jess Stach Beard, who at the time was just recently rediagnosed Metastatic Breast Cancer. It said “You fight, I fight”. I wanted to let her know that I am in the fight with her, always by her side. She eventually passed from MBC in Feb of 2022 at just 30 years old. Cancer took my person from me, my wife, the love of my life and our dreams of a family and future together. But the way she fought, the way she lived, and the way she loved is my why to get back up stronger every day. Through her 4 year battle with Cancer, Jess underwent 98 different types of grueling Chemo treatment. Every single time there was a setback, a failed trial or treatment, a loss of a dear friend fighting alongside her or an overextended hospital visit, Jess read, she wrote, she confronted, and then...she rose above it and came back stronger. And she did it all with a glowing smile on her face, laughter, and a middle finger raised high in the air saying #fuckcancer. To be able to honor my wife, share her legacy and courage, and be able to raise money to help fight for a cure is a real honor and responsibility. I fight for her, the ones that fought alongside her, the ones still fighting, all the caregivers, and her family and community. Because she is no longer here to fight for them, I will.
Cancer has a name and here are some names of those im fighting for as well as their loved ones that fight/fought alongside them:
• Jess Stach Beard
• Tracy Stachitas
• Kasey Demetrakis
• Deidra Greenfield
• Meka Grant
• Mike Thornton
• Bill Fromherz
Event date
5 months ago
6 months ago
You crushed it Jon. Truly inspiring to follow your journey and see you stand in the ring last week. Congratulations and thank you!
6 months ago
Way to go Jon!