"Nobody is born a warrior. You choose to be one when you refuse to stay seated. You choose to be one when you refuse to back down. You choose to be one when you stand up after getting knocked down. You choose to be one because if not you, who?"
"Don't give up the Ship!"
My name is Meghan. I'm fighting in Haymakers for Hope because quite frankly, cancer sucks!
Cancer doesn't discriminate and it impacts all of us. We must stand up and fight. There is no alternative.
In 2021, roughly 1.9 MILLION Americans will be diagnosed with Cancer. Now, we can talk numbers and statistics all day but let's leave that to the doctors and the scientists. Our reality is that the 1.9 million people diagnosed with cancer are our people. They are our mothers and fathers; brothers and sisters; aunts and uncles; friends and neighbors; co-workers and classmates. They are the people we know and love and we must not let them fight alone.
I'd like to share a couple of stories with you about the fighters who have inspired me to fight in Haymakers.
On February 11, 2017, a dear friend of mine, James "Jimbo" Cahill, lost his tenacious battle with cancer. Every step of the way he stood tall, determined to fight. Even after his body was weakened by the treatment, his vibrant personality and warrior spirit remained strong. However, it wasn't only Jimbo's strength that left me awestruck, it was also his family's. While Jim was fighting, they were also fighting. His daughters were there with him every step of the way. It was clear to see that Jim drew a lot of his strength from them and took great comfort knowing they were there with him at every turn. Their fortitude, grace, tenacity and love are unmatched. Jim was extremely proud of them and would be so humbled to know that his spirit and legacy lives on because of them.
One of my college friends was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Since his diagnosis, he has undergone a bilateral mastectomy and is now going through chemotherapy. Conor is young and full of life. He has a beautiful family, a wife and two children. Conor should be doing a million other things instead of battling cancer. Conor is a true warrior. His attitude, ferocity and faith are unwavering. He has taken on his opponent without hesitation and is fighting with such resolve. He is truly an inspiration to me and all of those who know him. As Conor started his treatment he stated "onward and upward, hold fast, never retreat, do not give up the ship." Conor, I'm standing here with you fighting. We will not surrender!
These are only two stories about fearless warriors and their battles with this awful disease. There are countless other warriors- many who I know and love. They are the reason I fight.
Like all the other women fighting on December 7, 2021, I am fighting for hope. I am fighting in memory of those who have lost the battle; in celebration of those who have won; and in unity with those who are still fighting. I am fighting so that one day no one ever has to fight this battle again.
I am honored to dedicate this fight to Jimbo Cahill, Valerie O'Connor and Conor Higgins.
Thank you for your support. Let's KO Cancer once and for all!
Event date
About 3 years ago
About 3 years ago
Meghan: So proud of you and all you do to keep us safe. ❤️
About 3 years ago