“Be Strong when you are weak, Be Brave when you are scared, Be humble when you are victorious. Be Badass Everyday! -Pink”
Who am I? Why am I fighting?
I’m a 40-year-old woman who’s never played a sport growing up (or now for that matter).. except for maybe a game of cornhole. I’ve never been in a physical fight (not even a slap fight). I’m a bit scared, I’m anxious and I’ve always let those feelings hold me back from doing things. The idea of applying for Belle of the Brawl has been there the last few years, but I could never bring myself to apply. Then a few weeks back something finally hit. I realized I have a choice to do whatever I want! I’m active, I’m young and I have my health.
I’m fighting to find a cure, bring awareness and show my support for survivors and all those touched by cancer. Most recently, my colleague and friend of 18 years, Cindy, lost her fourteen-month battle with brain cancer. She would do anything for anyone, but also probably tell me I’m crazy for signing up for this event. I lost my Pepere, my one of a kind Uncle Billy. I’ve seen close friends and acquaintances lose loved ones. I’ve also seen so many people give a big kick in the butt to the disease and fight harder than anything. They have WON and are still WINNING. I want there to be a time someday soon where EVERYONE WINS and we #KOCancer.
Those fighting and who have fought this disease are a true inspiration. Their fight has been far harder than me potentially getting punched in the face and commit to training for 4 months. I’m truly thankful for this opportunity @Haymakers4Hope has given me and I’m ready to #KOCancer.
Event date
Over 5 years ago
Over 5 years ago
We are donating for CARCINOID CANCER!! Karen- you made us so proud last night, and Sharon Giunta was watching too with a huge smile!! You are one of our favorites and was one of Sha's too! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so selfless and for fighting so hard!!! Just INCREDIBLE ..love you xoxo
Over 5 years ago