"Never again trivialise the power of my sisters and I, for you only do it out of fear of women stronger than you."
- Nikita Gill
I get to choose this fight.
I get to choose to train like a boxer for four months, choose to make sacrifices in terms of time and personal comfort, and choose to step in that ring and take punches. But when you get diagnosed with cancer, you have no choice but to fight--and it may be the fight of your life.
I feel extremely fortunate to be in good physical health. Because of this, I've been able to use exercise and boxing specifically as a way of healing, recovering, and rediscovering my own strength over the past 12 months or so. Though I'm really new to the sport, boxing has been a way for me to fight anxiety and depression on a daily basis. When I am working hard in the ring, I'm focused on the moment and not capable of worrying about whatever else may be causing stress in my life. And seeing and feeling my body become stronger and healthier since I began boxing has been incredibly empowering. But that is a privilege not everyone has, and a privilege I don't take for granted. I'm fighting to raise awareness and funds so that someday, no one's physical (or mental) health will be jeopardized by this awful disease.
Specifically, I'm fighting for some special people in my life who have fought or are fighting this ugly thing we call cancer. I'm fighting in memory of Nana Ronnie, and for Kim, John, for David's future, my future kids, and Gitch, WR, and Jim. You folks are the real fighters. Let's kick cancer's butt.
Event date
Over 5 years ago
Jocy- you are an inspiration and a bad ass! So proud of you and all your hard work
Over 5 years ago
Good luck Jocelyn!
Over 5 years ago
You go Joc! So incredibly proud of you and all the work you’ve put into this fight